To Login and Using Grid-Peer Cluster

After account creation user will need 2 things to login for the first time.

A. Procedure for generate ssh Key is as below:-

Public key , you can generate one using below procedure:

1: Create a new key pair at your local computer, laptop via below command:-

   ssh-keygen -b 4096

2: Press “Enter” to use the default names id_rsa and in the /home/your_username/.ssh directory before entering your passphrase.
             >>Generating public/private rsa key pair.
             >>Enter file in which to save the key (/home/your_username/.ssh/id_rsa):

3: While creating the key pair, you will be given the option to encrypt the private key with a passphrase. you can leave this field blank by Press “Enter :-

             >>Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
             >>Enter same passphrase again:
             >>Your identification has been saved in /home/your_username/.ssh/id_rsa.
             >>Your public key has been saved in /home/your_username/.ssh/
             >>The key fingerprint is:
                 >>    f6:61:a8:27:35:cf:4c:6d:13:22:70:cf:4c:c8:a0:23 your_username@localpc

The above process will generate 2 files id_rsa and under the .ssh folder of your home directory.

For check those two key files, use:-

ls -la /home/your_username/.ssh/*

Now send this file to us, first time we will paste the content of in your <homedirectory>/.ssh/authorized_keys file on Grid-Peer’s head-node server. In future you can paste yourself to allow ssh from more than one location.

ALERT : DO NOT SEND “id_rsa” file to any one (Not to us also. Do not store “id_rsa” to internet like gmail, cloud, online drive etc).

B. Process to access in grid-peer cluster:

  1. Open a terminal in Linux Desktop/Laptop or MAC. (Make sure that Laptop/PC should be connected with Internet).
  2. Type ssh -X or ssh –X uid@ (-X is for graphics).
  3. Type password when it asked. After successful login, you now in your home directory at Head-node of Grid-Peer cluster.
  4. To check your home directory path at Grid-Peer, use “pwd” in terminal.
  5. Grid-peer cluster has 4 nos. of Interactive Compute Nodes i.e. compute-0-1 to compute-0-4, those are directly accessed from head-node.
  6. To access in such nodes, just type “ssh compute-0-x” e.g. “ssh compute-0-1” from Head-node.
  7. Each interactive nodes are capable of running 40 Jobs. So, check and submit accordingly. For check run “top” or “ps -aef” from nodes.
  8. Also, There are 10 nos of Non-interactive computes nodes, which cannot be accessed directly i.e. htcompute-1 to htcompute-10.
  9. You can submit your’s job on those Non-interactive nodes through HTCondor Batch Scheduler from Head-node using “condor_submit“.
  10. Don’t run or execute a job in headnode otherwise your job may be killed. Run your job in interactive nodes by physically login through ssh from headnode.
  11. The whole Grid-Peer cluster are installed with Debian 11.x flavours.
  12. After finishing your work, type ‘exit’ from the cluster.


  • Don’t run any job on grid-peer head-node. Otherwise it will be killed.
  • Don’t submit more than 5-10 jobs on any compute nodes (non interactive mode) under this cluster.
  • For multiple job submission, use HTCondor job submission methods by using “condor_submit”.
  • Please maintain your assign storage usages under limits.
  • Don’t store any personal data i.e. songs, picture, photos, video etc. on grid-peer cluster. If such type of file is found, then their user account will be blocked & strict action would be taken against them.
  • This grid-peer cluster is used only for scientific research only.
  • For Research Scholar / Student: Completion of user tenure must be communicated to us. The user data will be maintained for 3 more months after completion of course or login tenure. After the period, the user data will be removed.

Contact us:-

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